Thursday, December 10, 2020

RCMP Criminal Record Check


GA is a professional background check retrieval company. We have helped hundreds of local and international clients to get RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) criminal record checks for immigration, employment, VISA, record suspension, college registration, license, dual citizenship, name change, volunteer work, etc.

Get your fingerprints taken by a local police and send us the original fingerprint form. We help to digitize inked fingerprints with card-scan technology and electronically transmit to the RCMP. We accept ink & roll as well as live-scan fingerprints (printed on paper) taken by the police authorities.

All data should be legible in CAPITAL LETTERS, and all scanned copies (or photos) of the required documents should be emailed to us for a confirmation before sending the originals.

Our fee schedule is as follows:

1. Twelve (12) business days 500,000 won 50만원

2. Twenty five (25) business days 400,000 won 40만원


* The application process will be counted on the business day after the business day of the completed application

* In addition to the processing time, additional international & Canadian/Korean domestic mail time should be expected.

* Possible delayed due to any mail carriers and RCMP's international matters, we provide RCMP acceptance number, for a reference.

* Long delay if there is any criminal record.

* With an additional fee (200,000 won), the Korean consulate legalization service will be provided (additional 7 business days)

Required documents

1. Consent form (Original)

2. Application form (Original)

3. Fingerprints (Original)

4. Passport copy

5. Any other photo ID

6. One passport photo

Referral discount

10,000 won discount per transaction with the following information (Client name, transaction date, service type) 소개한 고객 정보 제공시 1만원 할인 혜택

Testimonial discount

10,000 won discount for one positive testimonial with the following information (Review at major SNS, Blogs, Cafes, Portals, etc. along with a proof) 후기 인증 후 1만원 할인 혜택

Contact Information

Chris Kim

Tel: 010-5920-0790

카톡 클릭

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Norway Apostille 노르웨이 아포스티유

Notarization + Norwegian Apostille (in the Kingdom of Norway) 노르웨이 현지 발급 노르웨이 아포스티유


Fifteen (15) days + round trip international mail time + one way Korean domestic registered mail time


650,000 won (65만원) NO HIDDEN CHARGE (숨은 비용 없음)

Required documents

Original document (e.g. diploma, transcript, employment verification letter, etc.) & passport copy

Referral discount

10,000 won discount for one transaction with the following information (client name, transaction date, service type) 소개한 고객 정보 제공시 1만원 할인 혜택

Testimonial discount

10,000 won discount per positive testimonial with the following information (review at major SNS, Blogs, Cafes, Portals, etc., along with a proof) 후기 인증 후 1만원 할인 혜택

Contact Information

Chris Kim

Tel: 010-5920-0790

사이트 클릭

카톡 클릭

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

F4 비자, FBI, 상속, 거주, 서명, 거소, 소득, 시민권 미국 아포스티유

As of today (Dec. 8, 2020), due to the impact of US DOS slow procedures, we get Apostilles from some states' SOSs in one or one & half weeks processing time frame. 미 국무부 진행 처리가 평균 6주 이상 걸리는 관계로 50개주  중 오픈된 주 총무처를 통하여 아포스티유 발급 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

Notarization + US Apostille (in some US states' secretary of state offices) 미국 현지 주 정부 총무처 발급 미국 아포스티유


One or one & half weeks + one way international mail time (from USA to South Korea via DHL) + one way Korean domestic registered mail time (from GA office in Seocho-gu, Seoul to a client's office or home)


97,000 won including Apostille fee, Notarization fee, Service fee, DHL shipping to Korea (from USA), and Korean domestic registered mail (to your home) NO HIDDEN CHARGE (숨은 비용 없음)

Documents for Apostilles

POA (Power of Attorney) 위임장, Proof of Residency 거주 증명, Affidavit of Signature 서명인증, Identity verification 동일인 증명, Signed agreement regarding division of inherited property 상속재산분할 협의, F4 VISA docs 재외동포비자 신청 구비서류, Registration card doc 거소증 신청 구비서류, FBI check 미국 범죄기록, Police or court doc 경찰 또는 법원 기록, W-2 소득증명, Form 1040 연방 세금보고서, Citizenship certificate 시민권 증서, Diploma 학위증, Transcript 성적표, I-20 Form 입학 허가서, etc. 등등 미국에서 발급된 모든 서류는 미국 아포스티유 발급이 가능함.

Referral discount

10,000 won discount per transaction with the following information (client name, transaction date, service type) 소개한 고객 정보 제공시 1만원 할인혜택

Testimonial discount

10,000 won discount for one positive testimonial with the following information (review at major SNS, platform, blogs, cafes, portals, etc. along with a proof) 후기인증후 1만원 할인혜택

Service comparison

Contact Information

Chris Kim

Tel: 010-5920-0790

카톡 클릭

Friday, December 4, 2020

미국 아포스티유 US Apostille


제출 목록

1. 아포스티유 받을 서류 사본

2. 여권 사본

3. 서류 받을 국문 주소 (도로명 주소및 우편번호 누락시 발송지연및 보관료 발생)

4. 신청자명, 서류 대상자명, 입금자명 (누락시 지연)

제출 이메일 주소


1. 우리은행

2. 강명옥

3. 1005-701-843005

Processing time

신청 완료 익일부터 영업일 기준 8일


Apostille: 20,000 won (2만원) + US notarization & DHL (extra 3 business days): 70,000 won (7만원) + 국내 등기 (extra 2 business days): 7,000 won (7천원)

Contact Information

Chris Kim

Tel: 010-5920-0790

GA 웹사이트 클릭

카톡 클릭


* 국내 등기 배송후 서류 분실에 대한 책임무

* 주소 불분명으로 반송시 보관료및 재발송 등기비 청구

* DHL 사정으로 지연 가능

* 미국 아포스티유 정부기관 사정으로 지연가능 (e.g. COVID 19 pandemic)

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

New Zealand Apostille

Notarization + New Zealand Apostille in New Zealand (뉴질랜드 현지 발급 뉴질랜드 아포스티유)

Processing time

Twelve (12) business days + round trip international mail time + one way Korean domestic registered mail time


550,000 won (55만원) NO HIDDEN CHARGE (숨은 비용 없음)

Required documents

Original document (e.g. diploma, transcript, employment verification letter, etc.) & passport copy

Contact Information

Chris Kim

Tel: 010-5920-0790

카카오톡채널 - 아포스티유 (