Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Norway Apostille 노르웨이 아포스티유

Notarization + Norwegian Apostille (in the Kingdom of Norway) 노르웨이 현지 발급 노르웨이 아포스티유


Fifteen (15) days + round trip international mail time + one way Korean domestic registered mail time


650,000 won (65만원) NO HIDDEN CHARGE (숨은 비용 없음)

Required documents

Original document (e.g. diploma, transcript, employment verification letter, etc.) & passport copy

Referral discount

10,000 won discount for one transaction with the following information (client name, transaction date, service type) 소개한 고객 정보 제공시 1만원 할인 혜택

Testimonial discount

10,000 won discount per positive testimonial with the following information (review at major SNS, Blogs, Cafes, Portals, etc., along with a proof) 후기 인증 후 1만원 할인 혜택

Contact Information

Chris Kim

Tel: 010-5920-0790

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